Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ - Find answers to common questions about Safelet safety bracelets, features, and support.
Does Safelet work everywhere ?
Do Guardians need the App
Will my Guardians always receive an alarm
How much data does the Safelet app use
Is my location accurate when I send an alarm or check in?
How long will the battery last?
How long does it take to recharge the battery?
How can I see the time on the Safelet ?
Is the Safelet water proof ?
No, though you can wear the Safelet while it is raining. Many of our customers claim that they can take a shower with the Safelet without a problem. We do not recommend this.
What is the maximum distance between Safelet and Phone
There is not s straightforward answer to this. In open space with no objects between Safelet and Phone we have measured a distance of 40 meters. However this was dependent of the type of Phone also. With a Samsung S6 we measured a greater distance than with an iPhone. In general the distance with iPhones was smaller.To complicate things, these distances cannot be accomplished indoor. Indoor distances are very dependent on the structure of the location. For example the structure of the walls and ceilings ( wood, concrete, metal or a mix ) plays a very important role. In general it is not possible to claim any measure of indoor distance.
How do I know if the Alarm is send to my Guardians
There are two ways to check if your alarm was send out. The first one is the immediate feedback from the Safelet. The Safelet will vibrate to let you know that the Alarm was send out. The second option is to open the Safelet App. You will see the map with your location.
What is the Guardian network and why should I join?
A Guardian is normally invited by a friend, relative, co-worker or somebody else they know personally. During the installation of the Safelet App they get the choice if they are also willing to receive the SOS-signals of other Safelet users that they do not know personally. If they accept they will only receive an SOS-signal if they are in immediate proximity of the location from where the SOS-signal was send. Though this is a very personal choice we hope that as many people as possible say yes. We strongly believe in a world where each one us is willing to play an active role to create a safer society and support people that urgently need help.